
Craft56 is an online-vendor dedicated to Scottish craft drinks. Founded by Ally Hardy in 2017, the website was designed as a one-stop shop for small Scottish businesses to sell their spirits and craft drinks to a wider audience. Craft56 are passionate about Scottish spirits, stocking over 100 gins, as well as whiskies, rums, vodkas and liqueurs. They also offer a fantastic service in their Scottish Gin Club, a monthly subscription allowing customers to sample the most exciting, fresh Scottish produce.
Among their impressive range is now Purist Gin! Craft56 currently stocks two of our gins on their website. Firstly, Purist Art, our award-winning Purist Gin London Dry (42%) with a collectable bottle design created by one of the young Scottish artists that we collaborate with. Secondly, they also stock our navy-strength Purist Black 57 (57%) which has become an extremely popular bottle in the Purist line-up.
Website - https://craft56.co.uk/
Instagram - @craft56scot
Twitter - @Craft56Scotland