The Medicinal Power of Gin

The Medicinal Power of Gin

By Kaitlyn Agnew

The Medicinal Power of Gin

Drinking gin (when in moderation) offers various health benefits. In fact, gin was originally brewed to be a medicine with a fascinating medical history. 


The Start of Genever


The originator of genever (the first name for gin) was Franciscus Sylvius, a Dutch physician who created the recipe. He believed that it would improve circulation and more. Thus it was supplied to the Dutch soldiers during the War of Independence in the 17th century, often referred to as 'Dutch Courage.'


Gin at Sea


Later down the line, in the 19th century, the gimlet was invented, the name heavily believed to come from naval doctor Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Desmond Gimlette. It has also been speculated that the name comes from the tool used for the extraction of gin from the barrels - a gimlet. Scurvy was a prevalent issue for sailors when deprived of Vitamin-C for too long. This painful, sometimes fatal, disease could be cured with citrus juice. Therefore, it was recommended the Naval Officers' daily ration of gin should be taken with the juice to hide the bitter taste.


Modern Day Uses


Gin is still medicinal, with the juniper berries introducing oils which can aid with lung congestion and mucus. The juniper berries are superfoods, preventing kidney and liver problems, fighting infections and decreasing the chance of heart disease. On top of this, juniper berries are full of antioxidants which count towards cell regeneration. Lastly, gin is also one of the lower-acidity beverages when it comes to alcohol, helping with acid reflux. 

Of course, all these health benefits all come from light and responsible drinking. However, one or two never hurt. To your health!